The Dakine Low Roller is a lightweight board bag with heaps of space for all your winter gear. Fully padded, and can hold two boards, one pair of boots and your outerwear. There is a removable boot bag to keep your boots separate, and two exterior pockets for anything else you might need. Equipped with long-lasting urethane wheels that can withstand a lot of punishment, and will allow you to move your bag around easily. The end handle will pair with your wheeled suitcase, which is a helpful new feature to increase ease of movement. When not in use, the Low Roller packs down tight and can easily be stored away.
- Holds 2 snowboards (one with bindings), 1 pair boots and outerwear
- Full 360° padded board protection
- End handle pairs with rolling luggage
- Removable boot bag
- #10 YKK lockable main zipper
- Durable, over-sized 9cm urethane wheels
- Exterior zippered pocket
- Packs down tight for easy storage
- 175cm
- 12 x 6 x 74" [ 30 x 15 x 188cm ]
- Fits max. 175cm board
- 6.2 lbs. [ 2.8kg ]